Spray Tan Salon Near Me

Spray Tan Salon Near Me

Are you looking for a flawless spray tan that gives you a sun-kissed glow without the harmful effects of UV rays? The Wax Factory’s Fort Collins location is the best choice for expert spray tanning solutions, making us a great option when searching for a “spray tan salon near me.” Our salon is designed to be a sanctuary where you can unwind while receiving high-quality beauty treatments. Our Fort Collins branch is especially proud to feature the advanced VersaPro spray tan machine, providing tailored tanning services that result in a natural and lasting tan.


Why Choose The Wax Factory for Your “Spray Tan Salon Near Me” Search?

A spray tan is more than just a beauty treatment; it’s a boost of confidence. Whether you’re preparing for a wedding, vacation or just want to look your very bronzed best, a spray tan provides that instant beautification. And when it comes to quality, The Wax Factory doesn’t compromise. As your go-to spray tan salon near me, we utilize the VersaPro tanning system, renowned for delivering even, full-body tans that look flawlessly natural.

But it’s our commitment to customer satisfaction that sets us apart. Take the case of seasonal events, for instance. From winter holiday parties to summer barbecues, each event could use a bit of glow. That’s where The Wax Factory steps in. We ensure that your tan is not just a one-time wonder but a perfect complement to your year-round style. Our skilled technicians are adept at adjusting the tone and depth of your tan to suit different seasons and occasions, ensuring you always step out in confidence with a stunning and suitable tan.


What to Do Before Your Spray Tan

Preparing for a spray tan involves a few steps to ensure the best possible outcome. The preparation phase is crucial if you want that flawless glow.

  1. Exfoliate Your Skin: About 24 hours before your appointment, gently exfoliate your skin. This removes dead skin cells and provides a smooth canvas for the tan.
  2. Avoid Moisturizers and Deodorants: On the day of your spray tan, skip the lotions, oils, deodorants, and perfumes. These can create barriers that unevenly block the tan application.
  3. Wear Loose Clothing: After your session, you’ll want to avoid anything tight that could rub against your skin and cause the tan to streak. Opt for loose, dark clothing and flip-flops.


When to Schedule Your Tan

Timing your spray tan can be as important as the prep work. Here’s how to plan:

  • For Events: If you’re looking for a “spray tan salon near me” to get you tanned for a special event, schedule your tanning session 1-2 days beforehand. This allows the color to develop fully and any initial bronzer to wash off, leaving you with a perfect glow for your event.
  • Regular Maintenance: If you’re maintaining a continuous tan, visiting your spray tan salon every two weeks to once a month is ideal. This frequency keeps your tan fresh and vibrant.


How to Extend the Life of Your Spray Tan

To keep your tan looking great for as long as possible, follow these aftercare tips:

  1. Hydrate Your Skin: Moisturize daily with a hydrating, alcohol-free, fragrance-free lotion. Hydrated skin retains the tan longer
  2. Avoid Long Baths and Hot Showers: Prolonged water exposure can accelerate the fading process of your tan. Opt for shorter, cooler showers.
  3. Pat Dry: After showering, gently pat your skin dry with a towel instead of rubbing.
  4. Drink Water: Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This not only helps your skin but also aids in maintaining your tan.


Discover the VersaPro Difference

At The Wax Factory, we use the VersaPro tanning system. This technology ensures a uniform application of tanning solution that is customizable to your skin type and desired shade. This means no patches or streaks, just smooth, natural-looking color. Whether you prefer a light, natural glow or a deep, bronzed look, our VersaPro machine can achieve it. Its quick-drying formula helps you feel comfortable and ready to go shortly after the session, making it convenient for those with busy schedules. Our skilled technicians at the ”best spray tan salon near me” are trained to provide a comfortable and satisfying tanning experience.

The VersaPro tanning system is ideal for those who value privacy during their tanning sessions. Unlike traditional spray tans, which a technician applies, the VersaPro system is a fully automated booth, allowing a completely private experience. This feature is particularly appreciated by individuals who might feel uncomfortable with salon staff applying personal tans.

The machine provides clear, easy-to-follow audio instructions, ensuring a seamless process without direct interaction with a technician. This setup respects your privacy and ensures that the application is consistent and precise, with state-of-the-art technology handling all aspects of the spray. You can relax and enjoy the comfort of having a professional-quality tan applied in a personal and secure setting.

Whether new to spray tanning or a seasoned enthusiast, The Wax Factory in Fort Collins is your go-to destination for achieving that perfect, healthy glow. By preparing correctly for your session, timing it right, and following through with essential aftercare, your tan can elevate your natural beauty and boost your confidence. Next time you search for a spray tan salon near me, remember The Wax Factory is ready to make you shine!

The Wax Factory has two convenient locations in Fort Collins and Longmont. Let The Wax Factory help you discover how to “live life smooth” at affordable prices. Book an appointment today. Follow us on Facebook or view us on Instagram for the latest information and special deals.